If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss [the wildflowers].

12797637_239225153098773_675527538_nDriving through the Joshua Tree National Park this weekend, I was exposed to a rare glimpse of life and color. We’re currently experiencing the ‘Superbloom’, an event that occurs when extraordinary amounts of rain fall on the desert, causing flowers to bloom at unprecedented levels.

This ‘Superbloom’ is a direct result of ‘El Niño’ and has affected the entire Mojave/Colorado Desert region. With the last occurring in 2005, and the next potentially never occurring… you can’t miss it!

This coming weekend, 20160402, I intend to explore Death Valley in search of the massive fields of desert wildflowers that are currently in bloom as a result of this unusual amount of precipitation.

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1V3ywq2

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