The Final Days in Joshua Tree; Butterfield Stage Route Expedition, West to East (D-3)

After some needed traveling to Dallas and a nice California beachtown called Carpinteria, I came back to my home in Joshua Tree to put nearly all of my household goods on a moving truck and bid it farewell for the next few months. As my belongings clattered their way towards storage limbo, hammered into nondescript […]

Little Harbor to Avalon, the Springtime Backcountry of Santa Catalina Island; Thru-Hiking the Trans-Catalina Trail.. Day Two

Waking up after Day One, the second day of our Trans-Catalina Trail (TCT) journey began as we rose with the sun. Ocean waves collide with rocks, a JetBoil ignites to provide the precious dark, brown, caffeinated nectar of the gods that would fuel our bodies for a strenuous day of challenging elevation gains, and two adventurous souls […]

An hour-long ferry from L.A. to “Island Time”; Thru-Hiking the Trans-Catalina Trail.. Day One

As a preface; The second weekend of April we hiked the Trans-Catalina Trail (TCT) from Two Harbors to Avalon, while we did not have the time to complete the Starlight Beach and Northern portion of the trail, this trip was still extremely rewarding and a great weekend challenge. The beauty of this trail is that […]

If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss [the wildflowers].

Driving through the Joshua Tree National Park this weekend, I was exposed to a rare glimpse of life and color. We’re currently experiencing the ‘Superbloom’, an event that occurs when extraordinary amounts of rain fall on the desert, causing flowers to bloom at unprecedented levels. This ‘Superbloom’ is a direct result of ‘El Niño’ and […]